Docker Security with Anchore-engine

This Article will provide details about Docker security . How we can detect security vulnerabilities before it going into production . Automated way by integrating security vulnerabilities tool in pipeline and details about how we can fix security vulnerabilities by modifying Dockerfiles .

Why Docker security is more important ?

Vulnerable OS and non-OS packages and ensure that non-secure and non-compliant images are not promoted in trust production registries .

  1. Start Anchore Engine Services:
   docker-compose up -d

With this command, you can start all the services of Anchore Engine in the background.

  1. Check Services Status:
   docker-compose ps

With this command, you can check the status of all services of the Anchore Engine.

  1. Check Anchore Engine System Status:
   docker-compose exec api anchore-cli system status

With this command, you can check the system status of the Anchore Engine.

  1. Access Anchore Engine UI:
    To access the Anchore Engine UI, you can open the URL http://localhost:8228/ in your browser.

5. Stop Anchore Engine Services:

   docker-compose down

With this command, you can stop the Anchore Engine services.

# Check Anchore API endpoint using curl (replace your ip address)


# Check Anchore Engine status using anchore-cli with specified URL, username, and password (replace your ip address)

anchore-cli --u admin --p foobar --url system status

# Set environment variables for Anchore CLI (replace your ip address)

export ANCHORE_CLI_USER=admin
export ANCHORE_CLI_PASS=foobar

How to use this anchore engine

  1. Add Image: Add a Docker image to Anchore Engine for analysis.
   anchore-cli image add nginx
  1. List Images: List all Docker images currently known to Anchore Engine.
   anchore-cli image list
  1. Get Image Summary: Retrieve a summary of information about a specific Docker image.
   anchore-cli image get nginx
  1. Get Image Vulnerabilities: Retrieve vulnerability information for a specific Docker image.
   anchore-cli image vuln nginx
  1. Get Image Policy Evaluation: Retrieve policy evaluation results for a specific Docker image.
   anchore-cli image get nginx 
  1. Get Image Content: Retrieve detailed content information for a specific Docker image.
   anchore-cli image content nginx
  1. Delete Image: Delete a specific Docker image from Anchore Engine.
   anchore-cli image delete nginx

Mahesh Wabale

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