Sending slack notification via pipeline job

1. Introduction to Jenkins and Slack Integration Prerequisites: 2. Installing and Configuring the Slack Plugin in Jenkins Step-by-Step Guide: 3. Generate a Slack API Token 3. Setting Up Slack Notification in Pipeline Jobs pipeline { agent any environment { SLACK_CREDENTIALS = credentials(‘b3ee302b-e782-4d8e-ba83-7fa591d43205’) } stages { stage(‘Notify’) { steps { script { slackSend ( baseUrl: ‘’, … Read more

SonarQube integration with Jenkins

Prerequisites: Step 1: Install SonarQube Scanner on Jenkins 1.Install the SonarQube Scanner Plugin: Configure SonarQube in Jenkins: • Enter the Name, Server URL, and authentication token. Step-by-Step Guide to Create a SonarQube Token 1. Login to SonarQube: 2. Access Your User Account Settings: 3. Navigate to Security: 4. Generate a New Token: 5. Copy the … Read more

Deployment of 2 application java and python using k8s : slack alerting Using Jenkins pipeline liberary

Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes

Prerequisites To deploy both Java and Python applications using Kubernetes and Helm withSlack alerts, we can create a Jenkins pipeline that handles the following: Firstly deployment of java application using helm: Step 1: Setting Up the Spring Boot Application mvn compilemvn package Step 2: Dockerizing the Spring Boot Application docker build -t testhello . docker … Read more

Deployment of Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes Using Helm

Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes

Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes – Deployment of a Spring Boot Application on Kubernetes using Helm is a detailed guide that provides step-by-step instructions on how to deploy your application. The guide covers essential tasks such as configuring the kubeconfig file, adding credentials, and using Jenkins for CI/CD. By following the provided commands and accessing … Read more