Structures in C Programming

Structures in C Programming


In the realm of C programming, structures stand as a powerful means to organize and group related data. This comprehensive guide aims to provide a thorough understanding of structures, covering their basics, syntax, advanced concepts, and practical applications.

Table of Contents:

  1. Basics of Structures in C
  • Definition and Purpose
  • Structure Declaration
  • Accessing Structure Members
  1. Nested Structures
  • Definition and Use Cases
  • Accessing Members of Nested Structures
  1. Arrays of Structures
  • Creating Arrays of Structures
  • Accessing Elements in Array of Structures
  1. Pointers to Structures
  • Defining and Initializing
  • Accessing Members through Pointers
  1. Structure and Functions
  • Passing Structures to Functions
  • Returning Structures from Functions
  1. Dynamic Memory Allocation for Structures
  • malloc, calloc, realloc, and free Functions
  • Allocating Memory for Arrays of Structures
  1. Bit Fields in Structures
  • Definition and Use Cases
  • Syntax and Implementation
  1. Unions in C
  • Definition and Purpose
  • Syntax and Accessing Union Members
  1. Structures and File Handling
  • Reading and Writing Structures to Files
  • Binary File Operations
  1. Advanced Structure Concepts
    • Typedef and Structures
    • Structure Padding and Packing
    • Anonymous Structures

See Also – Structures and Unions in C Programming

1. Basics of Structures in C:

Definition and Purpose:

A structure in C is a composite data type that allows grouping variables of different data types under a single name. It is used to represent a record or a collection of related information.

Structure Declaration:

struct Student {
    int rollNumber;
    char name[50];
    float marks;

Accessing Structure Members:

struct Student student1;

// Assigning values to structure members
student1.rollNumber = 101;
strcpy(, "John Doe");
student1.marks = 85.5;

// Accessing structure members
printf("Roll Number: %d\n", student1.rollNumber);
printf("Name: %s\n",;
printf("Marks: %.2f\n", student1.marks);

2. Nested Structures:

Definition and Use Cases:

Nested structures involve including one structure as a member of another. This allows for a more organized representation of complex data.

struct Address {
    char city[50];
    char state[50];

struct Employee {
    int empId;
    char name[50];
    struct Address address;

Accessing Members of Nested Structures:

struct Employee emp;

// Accessing members of nested structures
strcpy(, "New York");
strcpy(emp.address.state, "NY");

printf("Employee ID: %d\n", emp.empId);
printf("City: %s\n",;
printf("State: %s\n", emp.address.state);

3. Arrays of Structures:

Creating Arrays of Structures:

Arrays of structures allow storing multiple records of the same structure type.

struct Book {
    char title[100];
    char author[50];
    float price;

struct Book library[5];  // Array of structures

Accessing Elements in Array of Structures:

// Assigning values to elements in the array of structures
strcpy(library[0].title, "The Catcher in the Rye");
strcpy(library[0].author, "J.D. Salinger");
library[0].price = 12.99;

// Accessing elements in the array of structures
printf("Title: %s\n", library[0].title);
printf("Author: %s\n", library[0].author);
printf("Price: %.2f\n", library[0].price);

4. Pointers to Structures:

Defining and Initializing:

Pointers to structures provide a way to work with structures dynamically.

struct Point {
    int x;
    int y;

struct Point *ptr;      // Pointer to a structure

ptr = (struct Point *)malloc(sizeof(struct Point));
ptr->x = 10;
ptr->y = 20;

Accessing Members through Pointers:

// Accessing structure members using pointers
printf("Coordinates: (%d, %d)\n", ptr->x, ptr->y);

// Freeing allocated memory

5. Structure and Functions:

Passing Structures to Functions:

void displayStudent(struct Student s) {
    printf("Roll Number: %d\n", s.rollNumber);
    printf("Name: %s\n",;
    printf("Marks: %.2f\n", s.marks);

struct Student student1 = {101, "Alice", 92.5};

Returning Structures from Functions:

struct Point addPoints(struct Point p1, struct Point p2) {
    struct Point result;
    result.x = p1.x + p2.x;
    result.y = p1.y + p2.y;
    return result;

struct Point point1 = {10, 20};
struct Point point2 = {5, 8};
struct Point sum = addPoints(point1, point2);

6. Dynamic Memory Allocation for Structures:

malloc, calloc, realloc, and free Functions:

struct Student *ptr;

// Allocating memory for a structure
ptr = (struct Student *)malloc(sizeof(struct Student));

// Allocating and initializing memory for a structure
ptr = (struct Student *)calloc(1, sizeof(struct Student));

// Reallocating memory for a structure
ptr = (struct Student *)realloc(ptr, 2 * sizeof(struct Student));

// Freeing allocated memory

Allocating Memory for Arrays of Structures:

struct Student *classroom;

// Allocating memory for an array of structures
classroom = (struct Student *)malloc(5 * sizeof(struct Student));

// Accessing elements in the array of structures
classroom[0].rollNumber = 101;
strcpy(classroom[0].name, "John Doe");
classroom[0].marks = 85.5;

// Freeing allocated memory


7. Bit Fields in Structures:

Definition and Use Cases:

Bit fields allow packing multiple variables into a single unit of memory, optimizing storage.

struct Status {
    unsigned int active : 1;
    unsigned int loggedIn : 1;
    unsigned int premiumUser : 1;

Syntax and Implementation:

struct Status user;

// Setting bit fields = 1;
user.loggedIn = 0;
user.premiumUser = 1;

// Checking bit fields
if ( {
    printf("User is active\n");

// Size of the structure
printf("Size of Status structure: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(struct Status));

8. Unions in C:

Definition and Purpose:

A union is a special data type that allows storing different data types in the same memory location.

union Data {
    int intValue;
    float floatValue;
    char stringValue[20];

Syntax and Accessing Union Members:

union Data data;

// Assigning values to union members
data.intValue = 42;

// Accessing union members
printf("Value: %d\n", data.intValue);

// Size of the union
printf("Size of Data union: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(union Data));

9. Structures and File Handling:

Reading and Writing Structures to Files:

struct Student {
    int rollNumber;
    char name[50];
    float marks;

FILE *filePtr;

// Writing a structure to a file
filePtr = fopen("student.dat", "wb");
struct Student student1 = {101, "Alice", 92.5};
fwrite(&student1, sizeof(struct Student), 1, filePtr);

// Reading a structure from a file
filePtr = fopen("student.dat", "rb");
struct Student student2;
fread(&student2, sizeof(struct Student), 1, filePtr);

Binary File Operations:

FILE *filePtr;

// Writing binary data to a file
filePtr = fopen("data.bin", "wb");
int data[] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
fwrite(data, sizeof(int), 5, filePtr);

// Reading binary data from a file
filePtr = fopen("data.bin", "rb");
int readData[5];
fread(readData, sizeof(int), 5, filePtr);

10. Advanced Structure Concepts:

Typedef and Structures:

typedef struct {
    int hours;
    int minutes;
    int seconds;
} Time;

Structure Padding and Packing:

#pragma pack(1)

struct PackedStruct {
    char a;
    int b;
    char c;

#pragma pack()

// Size of the packed structure
printf("Size of PackedStruct: %lu bytes\n", sizeof(struct PackedStruct));

Anonymous Structures:

struct {
    int x;
    int y;
} point;

point.x = 10;
point.y = 20;

Mahesh Wabale
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